Webinar: ‘Customer and Object Due Diligence: Managing Risk and Criminal Liability’

The Art Loss Register and FCS Compliance invite you to attend a free webinar:

‘Customer and Object Due Diligence: Managing Risk and Criminal Liability’

Monday 20th May 17:00-18:00


If you would like to see the recording, please contact [email protected]





In this webinar, James Ratcliffe, the General Counsel of the Art Loss Register, and Rena Neville and Paula Trommel of the Art Division, FCS Compliance will discuss the different risks associated with Customer and Object Due Diligence; and importantly give tips on how to ensure those risks are uncovered and resolved.

Due Diligence is a means to uncover risks. Understanding and being able to identify, and therefore minimise transaction risks in the art market is sometimes legally required but always commercially helpful.  The risk profile varies depending on whether the risk relates to the parties, to the transaction or the object being sold.  The risks range from criminal liability (for example: for failing to submit a Suspicious Activity Report, handling stolen goods, breaching the UK Sanctions or Bans); to commercial risks such as acquiring what you then discover is an unsaleable object, or the reputational damage of being named as selling Nazi looted art.


What you will learn:

  • What are the different criminal, civil, commercial and reputational risks inherent in art market transactions
  • What are the red flags that might suggest a need for enhanced due diligence in particular areas
  • How to identify, and resolve, risks associated with objects being sold and their past ownership history
  • How to identify and resolve, risks associated with the people involved with transactions, such as the owners, the buyers and intermediaries
  • Key steps to protect yourself from these transaction risks and the advantages of approaching due diligence from both the people and object perspective
  • How Russian Sanctions and Bans have changed the UK landscape in the art market, and how to avoid these specific risks
  • How to determine if you should file a Suspicious Activity Report when a risk is discovered
  • When art market participants must or should do “people” and/or “object” due diligence and how to ensure that due diligence remains proportionate


We look forward to seeing you there!


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